IE 6.0 WinXP SP 2.0



I have WinXP SP 2.0 with all latest patches.

Internet Explorer is experiencing problems with various symptoms.
- View source doesn't function
- Save images produces .bmp only file format
- Pages with CSS under compressed secure server fail to load properly
intermittently -- Control F5 can produce the correct page display after a few
- Javascript errors reported

I've numerous listings in the knowledge base about each symptom but no
solution remedies it.

Tried deleting temp internet files. Moved location of Temp Internet Files.
Cleard SSL state. Cleared Autocomplete. Cleared History.

Don Varnau

The problems with viewing source and saving images point to a cache problem.

Try deleting the Temporary Internet Files folder for the affected user
account. A new folder will be created on restart. Login as another user with
administrator privileges, or from the machine's default administrator
account (startup in safe mode.) Make sure that you can see hidden and system
files (Folder Options> View) Then delete the affected TIF folder from
Windows Explorer. It will be at [C:\Documents and Settings\username\Local
Settings\Temporary Internet Files] Restart.

315222 - A description of the Safe Mode Boot options in Windows XP:

Hope this helps,

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