IE 6.0 (SP1) - AOL - Security question (maybe)

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Hello group.

Here's a situation I've never run into. Computer (practically brand new)
running XP Home, user has AOL as his ISP (I know, I know...) Anyway, a
problem has developed with surfing the web. Say he wants to go to
or It goes there fine opens the page no problem. But when he
attempts to log in with Username/password on these or ANY website requiring
these, he gets "Page cannot be displayed" - instantly by the way. This
occurs in either AOLs interface or if we launch IE 6.0 and try it that way.

I just know this is a security setting of some kind but I just can't figure
out which one: Is it in Internet Explorer? I've looked all over
Tools/Internet Options/General and Advanced. Is it a setting in XP Home
itself? He is the sole user and has Admin rights. Again, he can surf to
and through any site, it's the Uname/password thing that's got us stumped.

How 'bout some clues? Thanks.

I thought this ( might be the answer
here but he CAN surf to any site. It's just when he tries a
username/password entry that it responds with "page cannot be displayed".
There was a time not too long ago when this was not the behavior. Very
mysterious. BTW, we have scanned with the latest AdAware and SpyBot S&D,
NAV 2004. This system does not have XP SP2 applied.

Again, just looking for any type of clue...

Hello "Susan" and to the group...

Here's a synopsis of what we've done so far today. I don't live in the same
town as the user. As soon as you try something "secure", like a log in to
Hotmail, purchasing something, this error says "Page cannot be displayed" -
at the bottom it says "Cannot find server or DNS error". The error page
replaces the page from which we invoke the secure session. You can jump
"back" to the source page. It appears reliably/instantly - no waiting. I
don't think that the server on the other end is isn't even touched. Because
I've even tried a completely false username and password (Hotmail for
example) and the response is the same every time with the same speed -

Checked for an bogus or erroneous proxy server setup - none found.

Tools - Internet Options - checked SSL 2 & 3 - were turned on, left them on.

Tools - Internet Opt - cleared cookies, temp internet files.

Help - About - Encryption set at 128 bit

Tools - Internet Opt - Content - Clear SSL state

Tools - Internet Opt - Content - Autocomplete - Hit 2 buttons - Clear
Forms/Passwords - No checks for any autocomplete functions.

Tools - Internet Opt - Security - All zone set to default vals.

Firewall - not installed, not activated in XP Home

Brought up a command prompt and ran regsvc32 (xxxx) where "xxxx" is
substituted for several .DLLs including softpub, cryptdlg, initpki and a
half dozen I can't remember.

Ran sfc /scannow - found zero.

Rescanned with AdAware SE & SpuBot S&D - fresh ref files all around.

Norton AV - this sys was working fine with Norton AV fully config'd until
about 2 weeks ago when "something" happened. Updated pattern file installed
today - rescanned with no virii found.

I'm very sure this user uses this comp very simply. Doesn't install any
shareware/freeware. Does no CD or DV burning, no multimedia work (though he
could if he knew how). Basically does some routine menial AOL e-mail and a
few Word documents. Not a heavy duty power user.

I'm sure this is caused by some security setting somewhere. Where is the
question. Thanks for any other suggestions.
