IE 6.0 not posting form when submit contains unicode.



I'm writing a simple web application and wanted to have several submit
buttons on a form with a checkmark on them. So, I put the following in
the page:

<form name="requestForm" method="post" action="/PreviewRequest">
<input type="submit" name="previewItem[0]" value="✘"
<input type="submit" name="previewItem[1]" value="✘"
<input type="submit" name="previewItem[2]" value="✘"

This renders wonderfully in the browser, but when I click on one of the
buttons, nothing happens. If I replace the value with value="preview",
then it works fine.

Anyone have an Idea how I can get this to post back to the server?
Thanks in advance!


Rob Parsons

Hi Mark,

This is just a guess but the & and # characters in your input values may be
causing problems with the form post since the & is used as a parameter
delimiter in the post request.

Try changing from value="✘" to value ="10008"


Thanks for the advise but that defeats the ✓ (sorry, 10008 is a
stylized 'X') is the unicode character for a checkmark. I don't want
the number 10003 displayed on the button. I did try escaping the
ampersand, value='&amp;#10003;' , and while IE will submit that, it
doesn't display the way I need it to.

My frustration is that Firefox displays it right, and submit's its
value as


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