IE 6.0 Acting Funny



I have IE Version: 6.0.2900.2180.xpsp_sp2_gdr.050301-1519 with Cipher
Strength: 128-bit. I have automatic updates, etc. and until a few days ago
had no problems at all. Now, perhaps once a day, IE cannot locate sites. I
can ping them; Outlook (2003) can retrieve email (but at times also fails),
but IE cannot get to sites. I use Time Warner's Road Runner with a cable
modem. The modem is ok. Could the problem be that TW's Domain name manager is
failing? Would I as a TW user always be directed to their domain name server?
(I don't know how that works, actually). There are no local problems with my
computer at all besides this.


Small correction: When this starts happening, I cannot ping, either. And, on
occasion, email ceases to work (but not always).


Another diagnostic note:

1) I have a linksys router and another computer on the network (Win2K). Just
now when I couldn't find any web addresses, I turned on my second computer
(on the same network) and that had no problems getting to the net.

2) On my XP machine, after a few tries, I got here, to Microsoft. So, this
is sporatic. I can't say it's due to something on the XP machine (I have
Antispyware and CA Virus protection running and no obvious problems). It's
definitely intermittent but very very annoying.


I called Time Warner RR help and spoke with "Jeff" who thought it was the
router or that "a fast connection cannot be guarantteed." Just dandy, right?


Robert Aldwinckle

This is definitely a networking issue rather than an IE issue.
Your symptoms could be indicating anything from a flakey DNS
to too big MTU to some other kind of response problem.
Unfortunately IE's diagnostics for this are insufficiently detailed
to give you any specific hints one way or the other.
For example, I had almost exactly the same symptom a few days ago
for most of the day and even by taking a packet trace wasn't completely
sure if it was definitely a problem on my ISP's side or was something
that I should try to work around.

In any case here is an interactive troubleshooter which you can try.
It contains a link to an XP newsgroup which specializes in networking.

Good luck

Robert Aldwinckle

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