idle time auto disconnect



There are three of us working on this problem, myself, my
dad and my sister. Sis has two computers (four computers
total). All are running Windows XP. I am using Netscape,
dad and sis uses Internet Explorer, Outlook Express. I use
a local ISP and they use ATT for internet connections. We
have been through the dial-up connection set-up so many
times that we could go through it in our sleep. My idle
time disconnect works fine, the problem is with the other
three computers. I'm wondering now if there is a conflict
with ATT.

The problem is that when they set their idle time
disconnect, exactly the same as mine, they change from the
word "Never" to a selected disconnect time, then connect to
the internet. After disconnecting, they re-check their
selected time and their selected time has changed back to
the word "Never".

Any suggestions please.




To: Mary Sauer

Thanks for the ATT address. It takes me to an ATT page
that requires an account user name and password which I
don't have. My dad and sis both do have accounts so I will
pass this address on to them. Thanks for the information.

I tried to send you this thank you note using your laserdog
address but it was returned to me so thought I would post
it here. Again, Thanks--Hank
--Original Message-----


Hank, I hope you find a solution to your problem.
Meanwhile, a word to the wise: Avoid at all costs posting your real email
address on the Web, especially on newsgroups like this one. It is guaranteed
to be electronically harvested, resulting in spam and worse.

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