Identity Key problem

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I use ACCESS 2003 which has a linked SQL server table . The front end is a
form that displays the table in a tabular fashion and allows editing,
insertion of new records. One of the fields in the table has an IDENTITY
property . Now when the user does not enter the required values, and tries to
save, ACCESS displays an error message but increments the autonumber value of
the field anyway. Thus when I enter a valid record, there can be a number
hole since the previous entry was an error.
Is there anyway to avoid this ? (One way that I know of ,is to create a form
where I validate with VBA coding). Can I avoid VBA and still be able to
prevent the the autonumber getting incremented for invalid record entries.
Any help would be appreciated
In lot cases the primary key will be a value that is used just to keep the
relational database intact, is it important that your numbers are

If so I would drop the identity increment and use a control table that
passes the next value back to you, giving you the flexibility of being able
to re-number and knowing the primary key value up front, good for certain
types of code.

basically I use a control table called TblControl and each field is for a
different table

it is called like this

= inccontrol("Agent_ID")

Public Function IncControl(strField As String) As Long
10 On Error GoTo Err_IncControl
Dim adoControl As New ADODB.Recordset
Dim sqlControl As String
20 sqlControl = "Select " & strField & " as myCounter from
30 IncControl = -1
40 With adoControl
50 If .State = adStateOpen Then
60 .Close
70 End If
80 .Open sqlControl, CurrentProject.Connection, adOpenKeyset,
90 If .RecordCount > 0 Then
100 If IsNull(.Fields("myCounter").Value) Then
110 .Fields("myCounter").Value = 1
120 Else
130 .Fields("myCounter").Value =
..Fields("myCounter").Value + 1
140 End If
150 IncControl = .Fields("myCounter").Value
160 .Update
170 End If
180 End With
190 On Error Resume Next
200 adoControl.Close
210 Exit Function
220 DisplayError "modUtils", "IncControl", Err.Description,
Err.Number, Erl
230 Resume Next
End Function
There is another way, drop the identity increment,

and run the following to populate your primary key

..fields("yourPrimaryKey").value = dmax("Candidate_ID","Tblcandidate")+1

given that the table is called Tblcandidate and the primary key is
Candidate_ID, this gets the highest value primary key and adds 1 to it.