Identifying "publisher"



After scanning, alist of alerts appears telling me to delete or allow IF I
trust the publisher. How do I identify same, since I haven't been able to
discover what in heaven's name they are alerting me about! Not in Tools, not
in History. I feel paralyzed having to make a decision without knowing the
details! I send everything to quarentine, and once in there, I cannot remove
My SpySweeper and Registry Mechanic detail what has been discovered, but
can't find whom I'm supposed to "Trust" in WD Beta 2!


Try the Event log?
Start > Run > type "eventvwr.msc", hit "OK"
Windows Defender is logged in the "System" log.
OR, alternatively: Start>Control Panel>Performance and
Maintenance>Administrative Tools>Event Viewer>System.
I had never looked in there before I installed Defender. Very interesting.
If you see WinDefend, you can right click on the entry to see more
If there are errors visible, you can click on a link within the info box and
Windows Explorer will connect with the Mircrosoft knowledge base if you are
connected to the Internet. It does not explain everything, but I have learned
some interesting information by investigating error entries.


I'm not receiving error notices, simply incomplete information when I click
"review". Appreciate your input, and will try your suggestions. Thank you.


Just followed Engels recommendations NADA! Just more of the same! Went
into My Computer: C System 32/drivers (could not locate /etc/ HOSTS) and
still could not get information re: the alert detail which I'm supposed to
keep or delete. I'm ready to Remove WD from my programs, since my other
antispyware program details what may be doing damage ! And SUPPORT has
absolutely no support!
How are the rest of you identifying the alert subject?


I searched C for System32/drivers/etc/HOST and NOTHING; same result as the
earlier suggestions. So frustrating! Engel, how are you or others getting the
information regarding "review the alerts"? I cannot find it anywhere in WD
Tools or otherwise!

Tom Emmelot

Hello Buzz,

dont search for HOST, but click on Windows, then System32, then drivers,
then ect and you should find HOST
Then the things that happened with WD is in a log file like all the
services that are running on your PC.
Control panel\system manager\system event log

Regards >*< TOM >*<

Buzz schreef:


Thanks, Tom. Searched high and low for "Windows" to click (even searched
Alas :-( no just plain Windows can I find! Thought I had one, with
System32 yet, double clicked and up came Windows Home! Any instructions for
a complete Dummy? Retried File searches. but came up empty again. Meanwhile ,
I just keep quarantining all my medium alerts.

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