Bill R via AccessMonster.com
Every hour, 2 CSV files, with a naming convention reflecting the date and
time of their creation, are added to a directory on a server. I can easily
determine which one of the 2 I am interested in with an instr function which
will return 0 for the one I'm looking for. However, narrowing it down to the
2 newest versions is where I'm having the problem.
I need to look in the directory (I need some help with that, first of all),
find the 2 newest files in the directory (I need help with this, too), select
the one I'm interested in (instr function should do that for me), and then
copy it and rename it (to "DMS_Report.CSV") within the directory, replacing
the previously copied DMS_Report.CSV.
Then all my pre-existing code will run just fine to update the old or add the
new records in the CSV file to a table in my DB.
time of their creation, are added to a directory on a server. I can easily
determine which one of the 2 I am interested in with an instr function which
will return 0 for the one I'm looking for. However, narrowing it down to the
2 newest versions is where I'm having the problem.
I need to look in the directory (I need some help with that, first of all),
find the 2 newest files in the directory (I need help with this, too), select
the one I'm interested in (instr function should do that for me), and then
copy it and rename it (to "DMS_Report.CSV") within the directory, replacing
the previously copied DMS_Report.CSV.
Then all my pre-existing code will run just fine to update the old or add the
new records in the CSV file to a table in my DB.