Laptop PC; WinXP Pro (SP2); no manual; no system CD.
Although its display is working, Device Manager shows 'Video Controller'
with a yellow icon and reports that the drivers for it are not installed
(?!). I would like to install a suitable driver for it, but WinXP cannot
find one after I click the Update Driver button.
Don't want to open up the laptop's case, so I need a diagnostic utility that
will identify the laptop's video chip. Once I get that info, perhaps I can
download a suitable driver from the chip manufacturer's web site.
BTW, in case you're wondering why I need a video driver installed, WinXP
will not enable standby nor hibernation on my system because of the
unidentified video hardware.
Although its display is working, Device Manager shows 'Video Controller'
with a yellow icon and reports that the drivers for it are not installed
(?!). I would like to install a suitable driver for it, but WinXP cannot
find one after I click the Update Driver button.
Don't want to open up the laptop's case, so I need a diagnostic utility that
will identify the laptop's video chip. Once I get that info, perhaps I can
download a suitable driver from the chip manufacturer's web site.
BTW, in case you're wondering why I need a video driver installed, WinXP
will not enable standby nor hibernation on my system because of the
unidentified video hardware.