There's a number of string evaluation functions you can use.
Instr() - checks a string to see if a substring is present, and returns the
starting position if it is, or 0 if there was no string found.
Left() Mid() and Right() allow you to pull parts of a string from a specific
Replace() and Split() allow you to replace certain characters, or split the
string into separate variables.
IsNumberic() evaluates a character or set of characters to see if they are
Len() evaluates the length of a string.
I do not know of any pre-defined functions for checking for an 'outline'
format, but between these functions you can build a function to evaluate a
string and see if it is in the format you want. Writing these functions are
often time consuming and take much trial and error to make sure it works
correctly for any string given to the function, but I've written a number of
them for evaluating various formats.
Jack Leach
- "First, get your information. Then, you can distort it at your leisure."
- Mark Twain