IDE Freeze w/ Auto-Hide

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I know I cant be the only one who has gone through this because I've seen it
posted on other sites but strangely not here. The situation goes like this:

I open VS.NET 2003. I expose the controls toolbox from hiding, by moving the
mouse over to the left side of the screen.
I click the little push-pin pin icon to stop the toolbar from auto-hiding,
and POOF!

devenv.exe takes 100% cpu time and the IDE becomes unresponsive
(only solution: kill task in task manager)

When this starts happening, it can be recreated ever single time you try it.
However, what gets it started happening in the first place is beyond me. Any

Let me suggest that you re-posted your question in the IDE newsgroup
(microsoft.public.vsnet.ide). As far as I know, Microsoft employees from the
Visual Studio team browse that group from time to time, so they might assist
you with your problem.