Hi, Just installed XP Pro on new HDD 80gb, i also have an 30gb, a dvd-rom and
dvd burner. on a Dell demensions 4100 PIII 933mhz 512 ram. What would be the
best ide config. for this machine. I use the dvd-burner a lot and use the
30gb with a lot of music files. DVD-rom occassionally. Just making i don't
get any bottlenecking. Any help would be great.Thanks..
dvd burner. on a Dell demensions 4100 PIII 933mhz 512 ram. What would be the
best ide config. for this machine. I use the dvd-burner a lot and use the
30gb with a lot of music files. DVD-rom occassionally. Just making i don't
get any bottlenecking. Any help would be great.Thanks..