I have a few questions but I'm not sure if this is the right place to
ask. If it's not, please point me in the right direction.
First, is it okay to run a drive's power cable parallel to its IDE
ribbon? I know that sometimes in electronics that's not the best idea
because power cables can interfere with the signals of nearby wires.
I don't know if that would apply in this situation though since the
signals are digital.
Second, if two drives were connected to a single IDE ribbon and both
were set as the master but only one drive was connected to the power
source at a single time, would this cause conflicts? It seems to me
that the unconnected drive would be non-existant as far as the
computer was concerned but I could be completely wrong. Perhaps the
ribbon provides enough power for the drive to respond to simple low
level "I'm here but I am not in working condition" commands that might
cause a conflict. Does anyone know for sure?
ask. If it's not, please point me in the right direction.
First, is it okay to run a drive's power cable parallel to its IDE
ribbon? I know that sometimes in electronics that's not the best idea
because power cables can interfere with the signals of nearby wires.
I don't know if that would apply in this situation though since the
signals are digital.
Second, if two drives were connected to a single IDE ribbon and both
were set as the master but only one drive was connected to the power
source at a single time, would this cause conflicts? It seems to me
that the unconnected drive would be non-existant as far as the
computer was concerned but I could be completely wrong. Perhaps the
ribbon provides enough power for the drive to respond to simple low
level "I'm here but I am not in working condition" commands that might
cause a conflict. Does anyone know for sure?