Should I use Visual Studio .NET?
You can not create ActiveX anything with .NET.
or regula Visual Basic 6?
If you truley want to build an ActiveX DLL, then this would be your
place to do it.
There is no such thing. VS.NET is the next generation of Microsofts
Visual Studio brand but it is not built upon the same architecture and is a
completely different animal.
... something else? what's the diff?? is VS.NET only for creating
managed code?
Ah, now that is the question! Anything built with .NET is managed code and
you can not use .NET to build (emphasis on build) unmanaged code (COM). You
can build an application with .NET that calls unmanaged code, but you can
not build unmanaged code with .NET.
In genera, using .NET over its predicessor will bring better performance,
better scalability, better compatibility with other .NET languages, easier
maintenane and more to your application. There is a price though, VS.NET is
not just the "next" version of VS 6 and VB.NET is not just the "next"
version of VB 6.0. They are brand new and there will be a learning curve
Hope this helps.
Scott M.