Ben said:
We are populating it from a database but would like to add a hidden
reference/ID column. Is this possible?
Yes, you can, but personally, I don't do it that way any more.
The VB6 TreeView used to have a Key property on every Node.
We used this to "lookup" the "record" (or whatever) that held data about
this particular item.
So, you started with a Node, got it's Key, then went off to /another/
data store to get the data.
Here's an alternative.
Hold each data "record" in a Class that derives from TreeNode.
Instantiate these and add them, directly, into the TreeView.
Hold each "record" in a class from which you can /obtain/ (i.e. has a
Property that returns) an object that derives from TreeNode and has a
Property "pointing back" to the "record" object).
Now, there's no need to go looking in other data stores - all the data
about whatever it is is encapsulated within that class.
Class CustomTreeNode
Inherits TreeNode
Private Sub New()
End Sub
Public Sub New( id as ... )
m_sId = id
End Sub
Public Property ID() As String
Return m_sId
End Get
End Property
Private m_sId As String
End Class
For Each dr as DataRow In dtThings
Dim oNode as New CustomTreeNode( dr.Item( "ID" ).ToString() )
tvTree.Nodes.Add( oNode )
Private Sub tvTree_AfterSelect( ... ) _
Handles tvTree.AfterSelect
If TypeOf e.Node Is CustomTreeNode Then
' Handle one of your custom nodes
' Deal with an ordinary one
End If
End Sub
Phill W.