ICS with multiple connections problem




I currently have ICS set up between a desktop running XP Home (host) and
laptop running XP Pro. They are networked wirelessly, and all is well. The
desktop is set up as static IP, and the laptop to find an IP

However, I sometimes use a direct 1394 Firewire cable between them to
transfer large files. With this I have found the most reliable way to network
them has been to set static IPs on both for the Firewire connection - the
desktop and the laptop

When the firewire connection is put in place, I can transfer files using it
but ICS and file transfer over wireless cuts out. Is this due to my manual IP
configuration, or do I need to use a network bridge or something?

Many thanks


Steve Winograd [MVP]


I currently have ICS set up between a desktop running XP Home (host) and
laptop running XP Pro. They are networked wirelessly, and all is well. The
desktop is set up as static IP, and the laptop to find an IP

However, I sometimes use a direct 1394 Firewire cable between them to
transfer large files. With this I have found the most reliable way to network
them has been to set static IPs on both for the Firewire connection - the
desktop and the laptop

When the firewire connection is put in place, I can transfer files using it
but ICS and file transfer over wireless cuts out. Is this due to my manual IP
configuration, or do I need to use a network bridge or something?

Many thanks


The IP configuration is the problem. Use a different subnet for the
Firewire connections, such as and

To access the other computer via Firewire instead of wireless, use its
Firewire IP address, not its name. For example, type this in the
Start > Run box:

Best Wishes,
Steve Winograd, MS-MVP (Windows Networking)

Please post any reply as a follow-up message in the news group
for everyone to see. I'm sorry, but I don't answer questions
addressed directly to me in E-mail or news groups.

Microsoft Most Valuable Professional Program

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