I am new to this newsgroup, and don't yet know if it's the right place to be
posting. Would you suggest I post to another spot? This NG might be the
equivalent of the excel.newuser group, which is fine, but not the spot for
more specific questions.
Again: I have an XP Pro machine with two comm cards; I want to have it
connect to the Inet, and the rest of my humble LAN connect to the Inet
through my primary computer. This is a home-based operation (and the IP
address is whatever my ISP wants to dish out). Where to start?---as all of
my attempts thus far have been futile. And FWIW, I found setting up a far
more substantial network some years back with Macs and Suns a hell of a lot
more straightforward.
Most home networks skip ICS when there's a router and do peer to peer
workgroup. Topography is:
The router manages the internet connection and the workgroup.
You want to have
modem-->router-->one pc serving the internet connection --> one or more
pcs. (Not sure if you want to fit workgroup/lan in there or not.)
One problem that could complicate the desired configuration: ICS has an IP
hardcoded and some routers use the same one. If the IP is changeable on the
router, then I'm pretty sure that you should be able to do what you want.
My only experiences with home networking have been using ICS or using the
first configuration shown above so I don't know how to set up what you want
(a combo of the two). The folks in the windowsxp.networking_web newsgroup
should be able to set you on the right path though.
You can find some useful articles here:
And here:
I find Barb Bowman's articles to be especially helpful for configuring a
Also, did you try the XP networking wizard? I'm not particularly a fan of
wizards but this one is halfway decent and might help. Incidentally, I see
the settings for ICS on the Advanced page of the properties sheets for the
NIC in Network Connections. I do not find it listed in the General
properties with things like File and Print Sharing.