
  • Thread starter Thread starter TMC
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Hey All,

I was wondering if there anyone knows where a good set of standard icons can
be obtained?

For example, consider the classic Office XP icons. Is there a company,
website, etc. where these can be obtained?

Visual Studio includes a wide variety of such icons as part of its
installation at:

C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\Common7\VS2008ImageLibrary\1033

You just need to unzip the file you find there.

TMC said:
Hey All,

I was wondering if there anyone knows where a good set of standard icons
can be obtained?

For example, consider the classic Office XP icons. Is there a company,
website, etc. where these can be obtained?


Don't know if this post has anything to do with visual basic, but use an icon
editor to open 'moricons.dll' in the \windows\system32\ directory.
There's an icon or three in it, and they go back to windows 95, so they're as
"standard" as you can get.
There was another .dll that had a stack of icons in it, too, but I just can't
remember what it was called.
It's cheating a bit, but a lot of programs have their icon buried in it, so use
snico.exe or similar to open the .exe files you want an icon for, and extract it.
I don't know if you're _not_ allowed to, but if Microsoft buries icons in
programs, I can't see why you can't extract them.

One thing I will point out - those icons you want represent the software of
microsoft, which was (and probably still is) the most aggressive company in the
world about its trademarks being used without permission

Be careful how you use them.
TMC said:
Hey All,

I was wondering if there anyone knows where a good set of standard icons
can be obtained?

For example, consider the classic Office XP icons. Is there a company,
website, etc. where these can be obtained?

Please exclude microsoft.public.vb.general.discussion from future postings.
It's for classic VB only, VB6 or lower, not .Net.

Thank you
Naah, but Scott seeing that is his "normal" behavior, at least in this
group. For the groups sake, don't try to convince him that he is taking any
sort of wrong action.

Nobody said:
Please exclude microsoft.public.vb.general.discussion from future
postings. It's for classic VB only, VB6 or lower, not .Net.

Thank you

Now I'd be the last person to defend anything to do with .NET, but a
question about icons is hardly platform specific and I note the only other
question form this user was a VB6 one. Perhaps he should exclude the dotnet
newsgroup from his future postings.

Dave O.
I'm not sure I see a problem considering that the OP cross-posted to the
microsoft.public.dotnet.languages.vb group.
The Kombine Group has some icons that are free
to use commercially:

There are also some here:

They're in png format, but that can be easily
converted. The license there is a choice between
providing an advertising link back to the source
or buying a license. (I'm not clear about the
exact details. The author links to a generic license
agreement that specifies you need to provide
attribution in accordance with the author's
specification. Yet the author seems to provide
no specification other than the vague term "link
back". Presumably a "thank you" and link in the
About window is what's expected.)

Here's another link with a similar license:


If I remember correctly, "Nobody" deserves the credit
for providing the above links in the first place.

I also have some icons I got from "iconstore",
but when I try to find the original source I find
there are lots of places called "iconstore" or "icon
store", and I neglected to save a link.

Also note:
You may already know this, and it doesn't really
matter with icons, but you've cross-posted to both
the VB and the VB.Net group. VB (VB5/6) and VB.Net
are two entirely different things. In general, questions
belong in one group or the other, not both.
I'm not the OP but I want to say thank you. I thought icons were supposed
to be there somewhere but I hadn't been able to find them.

Thanks, Bob
mayayana said:
If I remember correctly, "Nobody" deserves the credit
for providing the above links in the first place.

Must be one of my clones. I can always use more clones :-)

I have personally used some of the free icons at the very end of this page:


Obviously they make some of them free, so if you later need more, anything
else free you find has mostly classic look, so you find yourself having to
buy from them to make your icons look consistent.
Dave O. said:
Now I'd be the last person to defend anything to do with .NET, but a
question about icons is hardly platform specific and I note the only other
question form this user was a VB6 one. Perhaps he should exclude the
dotnet newsgroup from his future postings.

There are some icons that come with the language, and the location is
different. There is a REDIST.TXT that mentions what icons are allowed to be
used. In VB6 case, it includes all files under:

C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\Common\Graphics

In VB.Net case, it seems the Express version doesn't include icon library. I
have VB 2008 installed, and can't find the folder that Scott M. mentioned,
nor VS2008ImageLibrary.zip which is mentioned in REDIST.TXT file. If one has
MSDN subscription, they can download and install VB6, but the icons have
Windows 9x look, not XP look.
Exactly, was it disturbing that my reply to Norm in/from the
microsoft.public.dotnet.languages.vb group "spilled over" to the .nxt group?

Nah, but criticizing someone for providing a .NET answer to a question that
was posted to a .NET group is somewhat disturbing.
Norm said:
Strange, I don't have that folder on my machine.
Did the poster say he was using Nxt?

The image library is not included in every version of VS. In addition,
make sure it's selected in setup when installing VS.
I didn't criticize it in the dotnet group, the same scenario as his dotnet
reply showed up here in the vb-classic group. The Q was crossposted here
too, so all posts in one group shows up in the other.

eBob.com said:
I'm not the OP but I want to say thank you. I thought icons were supposed
to be there somewhere but I hadn't been able to find them.

Did you find them? I ask because if I recall correctly, installing
the icons when VS is installed is optional. Worst case, they'll
be in the install disks.

Also, Google using frase: ico icons. Depending on compatibility
with your dev. environment you may be able to use the icon
files that contain icons of various sizes and types. If using VB6
a safe bet is to use only ICO files whose size is around 766 bytes,
but others may be compatible.

Regardless of dev. environment, you'll know if the ico file is
compatible when you try to apply the icon to your project.
Regards, Saga
Norm Cook said:
Strange, I don't have that folder on my machine.
Did the poster say he was using Nxt?

The message was cross-posted to the VB .NET group as well as the classic VB
group, which I did not notice when I responded to the message as I found it
in the VB .NET group.
