Perry Goodkind
Sometimes I just want to enjoy a nice wallpaper without
the clutter of icons. I can remove all the icons in my
desktop by making them invisible and setting my folder
settings to not show hidden items, but that Recycle Bin
icon just won't go away. Older windows systems have that
option of just showing the wallpaper and I miss that
option in XP.
At the Display Properties, 'Desktop' Tab and 'Customize
Desktop' window, there are check boxes for 'My
Documents', 'My computer', 'My network settings',
and 'Internet Explorer' but not one for Recycle Bin.
What's up with that?
the clutter of icons. I can remove all the icons in my
desktop by making them invisible and setting my folder
settings to not show hidden items, but that Recycle Bin
icon just won't go away. Older windows systems have that
option of just showing the wallpaper and I miss that
option in XP.
At the Display Properties, 'Desktop' Tab and 'Customize
Desktop' window, there are check boxes for 'My
Documents', 'My computer', 'My network settings',
and 'Internet Explorer' but not one for Recycle Bin.
What's up with that?