lots of different ways to do this..........
read all before doing....
chose one and let us know which is used.
How to Re-create the Show Desktop Icon on Quick Launch
Press WindowsKey+D (or d) = minimize all windows.
Press WindowsKey+D (or d) = restore all windows.
=======OR Most popular============
Copy and paste these five lines into a empty Notepad
Save this file as Show Desktop.scf
Drag/drop into your "quick launch" bar next to
start button.
To display it, right-click on an empty area of the
taskbar, and from the context menu select
"Toolbars -> Quick Launch". By default, the toolbar
will show the Show Desktop icon, as well as icons
for Internet Explorer and Windows Media player,
but icons can be added/removed to it by dragging
& dropping.
right-click empty area of taskbar
select "show the desktop"
all windows will minimize
toggle is opposite process:
right-click empty area of taskbar
select "show open windows"
Download and run this edit...
Restore/Add Show Desktop to Quick Launch
(Line 61 right column)
How to make a "show desktop" shortcut...
Search for the file named showdesktop.scf in your
computer by logging in as administrator. Every
user has a copy of this file. Copy it to your
userprofile path here:
c:\Documents and Settings\<<YOUR USER NAME>>\Application
Data\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch
From Doug Knox (MVP)
Check the ReCycle bin, if it is there right-click and
choose restore.
Drag it back to the launch bar.
If two icons appear, right-click and delete one.
See if the remaining one works, if it does delete the one
ReCycle bin, if not, go back to the ReCycle bin and
restore the icon.
Open Help and Support Center (WindowsKey+F1)
Search for: QUICK LAUNCH
Select article 'Add a program to the Quick Launch bar.'