I doubt that your WD's icon going AWOL is a WD issue, it's more likely a
binThere4ever defect in XP.
Before you go rushing off to up/side/down-grade to Vista I should inform you
that Vista Business (vanilla and SP1) running on a Tosh Portege 500 inherits
the same defect, my best friend shelled out $AU3.5K of her hard-earned on the
box, when this problem manifested she wasn't a happy camper.
Unbelievable, someone in Seattle is asleep at the wheel, IMO it aint Unclue
Bill or Ray OzeeAintAnAussie, but a one Steve BullInAchinaShoppe.
If its not fixed in Win7 (my assumption is that if it wasn't fixable in XP,
and it's been inherited by Vista, then it won't get fixed in Vista) then the
planet should reject Win7. No one should give their time to beta testing it,
no one should upgrade to it, no one should buy a computer that has Win7 on it
- i.e. a consumer strike.
Man who says it cannot be done, should not interrupt man doing it. -
Chinese proverb