Icon Background




Does anyone know why I seem, suddenly, to get a "block" background behind my
desktop icons - Previously it was a nice clear type on the background - Not
the tiltle of the icon in what now seems to be its own "box"

I'd like to get rid of this "box" if I can!!

Any suggestions?

Regards and thanks

Maureen Goldman

Crispy said:
Does anyone know why I seem, suddenly, to get a "block" background behind my
desktop icons - Previously it was a nice clear type on the background - Not
the tiltle of the icon in what now seems to be its own "box"

I'd like to get rid of this "box" if I can!!

control panel \ system \ advanced
performance settings
use drop shadows
apply and okay your way out


Tried that - Still the same - Any other ideas?

It seems that is using an XP theme that is "modified" - Is there a way I can
get the original back - as the original does not now appear on the coices
for "themes".......


Maureen Goldman

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