Thanks for the answear : I found it out by myself
first find out the real name for ICF
open cmd.exe from "Run dialog box"
Then type
sc GetKeyName "Internet Connection Firewall (ICF) /
Internet Connection Sharing (ICS)"
the answear was
[SC] GetServiceKeyName SUCCESS Name = SharedAccess
1. sc start sharedaccess
2. sc stop sharedaccess
3. make batch file
sc stop sharedaccess action=restart/10000 >NUL
sc start sharedaccess action=restart/5000 >NUL
4. sc config sharedaccess start= auto
start= {boot|system|auto|demand|disabled}
Specifies the start type for the service.
Value Description
boot A device driver that is loaded by the
boot loader.
system A device driver that is started during
kernel initialization.
auto A service that automatically starts each
time the computer is restarted and runs even if no one
logs on to the computer.
demand A service that must be manually started.
This is the default value if start= is not specified.
disabled A service that cannot be started. To
start a disabled service,
change the start type to some other
Without a space between a parameter and its value (for
example, type= own, not type= own), the operation will
alt answear on 4 is
reg add
dAccess /v start /t reg_dword /d 00000001 /f
or do a reg import file
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
alt way to make it started and automatic start
net start sharedaccess
a big thanks to my self