David Meriwether
Please clear my confusion. I have an Epson 1280, use vuescan pro. I
scan 4x5 b/w negatives exclusively. My scans of standard 21 step
negative are universally unbalanced regardless of adjustments of bp/wp
(as little as .01) /brightness (lots of variations in combination with
changes of film CI on TMAX 100), film type (I tried several), etc.
Last 3 or 4 steps register 240+ in most cases. No change whether I
scan as 48 rgb or 16 gray. Both tif and raw files show problem (though
opposite appearance since one is positive conversion, other negative).
In terms of result, highlights are completely blown out, no subtlety
at all. As a photographer, the way I would describe the problem in the
darkroom is that the negatives are underexposed, causing shadows to be
too light, highlights lost.
I think I need to calibrate the scanner, but it is not a problem of
color, more exposure. It seems also that the bp/wp/brightness
adjustments would constitute the density calibration. In Vuescan, is
'brightness" equivalent to gamma? I have never profiled this scanner
with it8, etc., and use "built in" as the preference. Will it8
calibration/profile help? Seems like it should but Epson flat beds are
strange. What am I missing here? Any suggestion, advise or direction
would be appreciated.
scan 4x5 b/w negatives exclusively. My scans of standard 21 step
negative are universally unbalanced regardless of adjustments of bp/wp
(as little as .01) /brightness (lots of variations in combination with
changes of film CI on TMAX 100), film type (I tried several), etc.
Last 3 or 4 steps register 240+ in most cases. No change whether I
scan as 48 rgb or 16 gray. Both tif and raw files show problem (though
opposite appearance since one is positive conversion, other negative).
In terms of result, highlights are completely blown out, no subtlety
at all. As a photographer, the way I would describe the problem in the
darkroom is that the negatives are underexposed, causing shadows to be
too light, highlights lost.
I think I need to calibrate the scanner, but it is not a problem of
color, more exposure. It seems also that the bp/wp/brightness
adjustments would constitute the density calibration. In Vuescan, is
'brightness" equivalent to gamma? I have never profiled this scanner
with it8, etc., and use "built in" as the preference. Will it8
calibration/profile help? Seems like it should but Epson flat beds are
strange. What am I missing here? Any suggestion, advise or direction
would be appreciated.