Gerry Wolfe
The box is an old IBM PC 300PL with a 300 MHz PII processor, 256MB RAM
and a Maxtor 60GB drive. Also has CD burner, 56KB PCI modem, generic
Seems like whenever there is an automatic reboot, I get a 1780 HD
error message in the BIOS diagnostics e.g. during the original Win98
install, during a DriveImage backup of C: where it goes into DOS mode
to do the backup and then returns to Win98.If I do a hard powerdown /
powerup, seems to be OK (at least Win98 finished the install,
DriveImage seemed to finish writing to CDR.
Normal restart & powerdown / powerup seem to be OK.
I've done the obvious things, such as changing BIOS settings to not
check MBR within virus check, Scandisk with detailed checking, etc.
No probs identified here.
HD is partitioned into 3x20GB: C: is Win98 & apps EXEs & DLLs, D: is
data (which would be backed up), E: is data (which would not be backed
up e.g. MP3 files, JPG, destinations for C: and D: DI backups).
Box worked great for a million years, was retired and gutted, and is
now being resurrected for the kid's school computer.
Any suggestions are obviously welcome!!!
and a Maxtor 60GB drive. Also has CD burner, 56KB PCI modem, generic
Seems like whenever there is an automatic reboot, I get a 1780 HD
error message in the BIOS diagnostics e.g. during the original Win98
install, during a DriveImage backup of C: where it goes into DOS mode
to do the backup and then returns to Win98.If I do a hard powerdown /
powerup, seems to be OK (at least Win98 finished the install,
DriveImage seemed to finish writing to CDR.
Normal restart & powerdown / powerup seem to be OK.
I've done the obvious things, such as changing BIOS settings to not
check MBR within virus check, Scandisk with detailed checking, etc.
No probs identified here.
HD is partitioned into 3x20GB: C: is Win98 & apps EXEs & DLLs, D: is
data (which would be backed up), E: is data (which would not be backed
up e.g. MP3 files, JPG, destinations for C: and D: DI backups).
Box worked great for a million years, was retired and gutted, and is
now being resurrected for the kid's school computer.
Any suggestions are obviously welcome!!!