
  • Thread starter Thread starter Doug
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I am trying to use this functionality to install a component into the
gac within code. I am getting an error code back of 1 but can find
nothing to show what the error codes mean. Does anyone know where
this info is located?
You can get information about errors and how to use the API at this site...


What are the arguments you are passing to the call to InstallAssembly? I use it all the time and it works for me. Make sure you are using a valid TraceReference.

Here's an enum I use that maps COM error codes to a .net type

/// <summary>

/// A map from HRESULTS to a .net type. Reference file

/// CorError.h for a complete list.

/// </summary>

public enum GACErrorCodes : uint


/// <summary>

/// This error indicates that during a bind, the assembly reference did

/// not match the definition of the assembly found. For strongly-named

/// assemblies, if any of the tuple (name, version, public key token,

/// culture) do not match when binding to an assembly using

/// Assembly.Load (or implicitly through type resolution), you will get this error.

/// For simply-named assemblies mismatches in the tuple (name, culture)

/// will cause a ref-def mismatch.

/// </summary>


/// <summary>

/// Private (or "simply named") assemblies are restricted to live only under the

/// appbase directory for a given domain. This restriction is necessary to prevent

/// unintended sharing of the assembly. Since the identity of simply-named is

/// not unique, it is possible name collisions can occur, and therefore,

/// it is not safe to share the assembly across apps/domains. If a

/// simply-named assembly is ever loaded via Assembly.Load that does not appear

/// underneath the appbase, this error will be returned.

/// </summary>


/// <summary>

/// When installing an assembly in the GAC, if a module (part of a

/// multi-file assembly) listed in the manifest is not found during

/// installation time, the install will fail with this error code. Modules

/// should be present alongside the manifest file when installing them into the GAC.

/// </summary>


/// <summary>

/// When installing multi-file assemblies into the GAC, the hash of each module is

/// checked against the hash of that file stored in the manifest. If the

/// hash of one of the files in the multi-file assembly does not match what is recorded

/// in the manifest, FUSION_E_UNEXPECTED_MODULE_FOUND will be returned.


/// The name of the error, and the text description of it, are somewhat confusing.

/// The reason this error code is described this way is that the internally,

/// Fusion/CLR implements installation of assemblies in the GAC, by installing

/// multiple "streams" that are individually committed.


/// Each stream has its hash computed, and all the hashes found

/// are compared against the hashes in the manifest, at the end of the installation.

/// Hence, a file hash mismatch appears as if an "unexpected" module was found.

/// </summary>


/// <summary>

/// This error is returned when a simply-named assembly is encountered,

/// where a strongly-named one was expected. This error code could be returned,

/// for example, if you try to install a simply-named assembly into the GAC.

/// To strongly-name your assembly, use sn.exe.

/// </summary>


/// <summary>

/// Both at bind time, and install-time, strong name signatures of assemblies are

/// validated. Every strongly-named assembly has a hash of the bits

/// recorded in the manifest (signed with the private key). If the hash of

/// the assembly found does not match that recorded in the manifest, signature

/// validation fails.

/// </summary>


/// <summary>

/// There are a variety of conditions which can trigger this error, most of

/// which are related to either poorly-formed assembly "display names"

/// (textual identities), or path-too-long conditions when translating an

/// assembly identity into a corresponding location on the file system.

/// </summary>


/// <summary>

/// This error indicates that AppDomainSetup.DisallowCodeDownload has been set

/// on the domain. Setting his flag prevents any http:// download of

/// assemblies (or configuration files). ASP.NET sets this flag by default

/// because the internal usage of wininet/urlmon to download bits over

/// http:// is not supported under service processes.

/// </summary>


/// <summary>

/// When the CLR is installed as part of the operating system

/// (such as in Windows Server 2003), uninstalling CLR or frameworks assemblies

/// is disallowed.

/// </summary>


For the dwFlags parameter I am passing 0, the pszManifestFilePath I'm
passing in the full path to the assembly I'm trying to install and for
pvReserved I'm passing in 0.
Try passing in a value of 1 for the flags. If by reserved you mean the 3rd
argument, that is supposed to be a reference to a TraceReference structure.
The signature (part of the IAssemblyCache interface) is:

/// <summary>
/// Installs an assembly into the GAC
/// </summary>
/// <param name="flags">Whether to force the installation or not. See
/// <param name="assemblyFilePath">Path to assembly to add to GAC</param>
/// <param name="refData">A trace reference</param>
/// <returns>hresult</returns>
int InstallAssembly(
int flags,
String assemblyFilePath,
InstallReference refData);

see this blog for details
