i5 Upgrade Bundle, what a bother


I'm not weird, I'm a limited edition.
Mar 5, 2002
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So, there I was, drinking a cup of coffee and the doorbell rings ... it was the postman with my Friday delivery. Well it wasn't supposed to be here until Friday according to Amazon. :bow:

I hate Intel

I bought an i5 bundle ... motherboard, CPU & 8gb memory, nice price.

I hate InHell.

Popped it all together in a nice old new case I bought 3years ago, for something, and fired it up. Hey! I was not too surprised to see it actually work, really quiet too.

I really HATE Infal.

Didn't bother backing anything up off the hard drive, I can fix it :cool: and Win 7 does have that nifty DVD. :)

Oh! bugger, no Ethernet driver ... huh! my SATA DVD drive can not read the bloody drivers CD, and no IDE on this motherboard? :confused: :eek: :wall:

Damn glad me brother only lives in the next road over from me, and, has a working PC ... so after a nice free dinner I have the drivers on a memory stick. :drool:

The only "driver" that works is, thankfully, the Ethernet driver. :lol:

Old lesson re-learnt, make sure you have the drivers needed ON the hard drive. :o

Well, I have all but one yellow exclamation mark sorted, don't seem to be able to "find" the USB Controllers, despite all USB devices working ... did I tell you I hate Intel? :)

Think I'll go play a game. :dance:
Haha, I've fallen victim to that very same thing when upgrading... worst of all the ethernet drivers!

Enjoy the new system Mucks - I'm sure Intel can't be that bad if you've got a nice fast system (was it the 2500k? A cracking chip!).

At least you got a free dinner :thumb:
Very amusing tale with a nearly super ending. At least the ethernet driver worked :thumb:
An you got it three days early. Guess that is to make up for all your time hunting drivers :lol:
Gae wonn with ye, wassup? An expert like yourself Mr Mucko having problems? I dunnae believe it wee tam

All this brand loyalty, I've always bought whatever worked best and was best value, which is why the first Intel CPU I ever bought was in November 2006, all AMD before that.

Strange, but my September intel i7 build gave me not one problem at all. Maybe I just got lucky for that one.

Anyhow, glad you got it sorted, after you've stopped gnashing your teeth and stopped chanting 'Inhell is the new Beezlebub' you might like to let us know what you think of your new system ;)
it's a very sweet system, and yes, I did me homework before partin with money, although I didn't notice the MB not having any IDE headers, glad I'd gone SATA some time ago. :D

I have no problems with the DVD reading any CD/DVDs, except the one that came with the MB, wouldn't read it at all ... was just a little peeved as I had to wait for me brother to get home so I could copy the drivers. :rolleyes:

I can't believe I get an average of 156 FPS in LoTRO, from 30-ish. :lol:

yes Ian, it's the i5 2500, and I is well pleased indeed with it, the asrock MB wasn't my first choice, but the bundle price was too good to miss.



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I have no problems with the DVD reading any CD/DVDs, except the one that came with the MB, wouldn't read it at all ... was just a little peeved as I had to wait for me brother to get home so I could copy the drivers. :rolleyes:

I've just remembered, my SATA optical drive wouldn't read my Asus motherboard driver disk either, I had to load the disk to an external drive on another machine then load from that to new build hard drive. I remembered this when I noticed the disk folder on one of my hard drives.

How odd. Asrock are ok, I've used several of their boards in the past, and they're just the 'budget' division of Asus after all. Which may have some bearing on why both yours and mine's disks could not be read.

Looking good Mr Mucks, bet you're keen to start Guild wars 2 :)
aye, GW2 was the reason I bought this lot, I think I'll enjoy it a wee bit more now.

I only found out after the GW2 Beta weekend that "they" hadn't yet optimised the game, it was using 1 CPU core only, and, no GPU ... I think me little investment will help as well though. :D

The change in LoTRO was/is very noticeable. :thumb:
Without wanting to hijack the thread, I'm going through a similar battle myself at the moment.
I suffered a fatal HD failure at the weekend, so popped out to Maplin to purchase a new one.

I did.....and this and this.

I'm still awaiting delivery of the GC, but stuck the others in my case last night.
Seemed ok, just need to wire the dvd in.......where is the ide connector on the MB?.....there isn't!.
Ok no problem, I thought, I have an external dvd/rw thing, I'll rig that up to install windows etc....nope.
The drive was coming up on the boot menu, but would not boot from it?

So I need to get to Maplin's to get a sata drive, but we suspect that our daughter as chicken pox, so is not in school/child minders, so I'm at home with her today and can't get out!!!!

I then find out that my 750w power supply is multi rail and not single and may not be up to the task of powering my new system......potentially more expense I could do without!
Looks like a good deal. Hope the psu works ok.
At least you got to spend quality time with your daughter.
BJ ... I'm having a wee annoyance with my system while playing most games, in that, it "hangs" and the only thing that works, is the mouse? If I just wait, however, everything returns to normal. This is especially so in LoTRO, so much, that I can't play it.

I'm looking at me PSU as the culprit ... the MB needs an 8pin power supply, my 600 (some name here) PSU only has a 4pin, even though the MD says it "should be fine" I have me doubts. Unfortunately, I'm a wee bit short of Roubles, so a replacement will have to wait. :(

I knew I should have bought a different MB. :rolleyes:
We are up and running on my nearly new pc.....hurry up graphics card!!!!!!
Bother. New GC in.
Monitor not working.
First it sounded like it was working, but no picture, now it seems to have stopped working altogether!!!!!
I did get a faint whiff of burning electrics, but can't trace the source.

I'll try old card back in and see what happens.

PS I'm aware that I have hijacked this thread and for that, I'm sorry!. would you like me to start a new thread?
PS I'm aware that I have hijacked this thread and for that, I'm sorry!. would you like me to start a new thread?
If you need "help", then by all means start a new thread. :)

Hope all is well. :(
If you need "help", then by all means start a new thread. :)

Hope all is well. :(

Cheers Mucks.
Stuck in work now, pc left in pieces.
I tried the monitor in the on the motherboard/on board graphics card output
connection and still no response, so I'll borrow a monitor and try that this evening.

If I need help further, I'll start a thread.