Glenn Wright
America (or, to deflate the American ego, "the United States part of
America") has destroyed everything it has touched, and turned it into a
stuffed toy, a product jingle, a late-night "risky" show.
We embrace the cultures of the world, for they probably have something
great we can put in a California wrap, or some excellent "primitive
sounding" music we can put on to show how open-minded we are.
Yes, America is disgusting, on three levels:
I. Physical
The entire landscape is now strip malls, department stores, drive thrus,
liquor racks, convenience stores, outlet malls and concrete, plastic,
metal, concrete, concrete, concrete.
We get sicker every year as our industry - mostly United States industry
and unregulated collaborators in Mexico and Texas - pours literally
millions of tons of waste into our environment. It's not the easy stuff
we used to make, from burning coal and wood. Now it's invisible and
creates mutations, and from those, cancers. But we'll die with the
latest in home electronics, plastic housewares and entertainment titles.
II. Social
Our collective mentality is guilt, so our behavior pattern follows thus:
A. Expect guilt, so have shame, thus attempt to compromise or pacify in
every situation.
B. Consequently, situation gets out of control and the individual ends
up serving compromise motives.
C. The individual resents that his or her own desire was not acted out,
becomes resentful, and thus acts out in one of two ways:
1. passive: subtle sabotage, petty quarrelling, dilatory behavior,
disorganization, refusal to make decisions, resentment, smouldering hatred.
2. active: insane behavior, destruction, hatred, violence, sodomy,
active hatred.
D. Society spanks back with its multitude of people with no better
purpose to serve than feeding their own egos the gratification of making
someone else conform to the "group consensus ideal." Often these
enforcers are the most beaten themselves and act from inner spite (see C2).
E. The individual becomes penitent, and even more guilty. Back to A, but
let's call it A1 because this is a new generation of A, in which the
stakes of guilt are much higher.
F. At some point, AN becomes unstable and a mental breakdown occurs; a
new personality modification allows the individual to avoid similar
humiliation by avoiding any conflict related to the punishment (D).
This is the cycle found in: crime, welfare, drug addiction, obsessive
sex consumption, Christianity, Judaism, Islam and other guilt-based
religions. Religion also contains "morality" which society agrees is a
good foundation. This religious foundation to society tells us that
there is a group consensus ideal behavior to which we must conform, or
feel guilty. If we feel guilty, we can submit to the group and be
forgiven, and therefore accept less power in exchange for fewer
instances of conflict.
In other words, "OBEY."
III. Individual
The cowering individual, a conflicted festering soup of guilts,
conflicts, emotions, desires, and ideals smothered under a thick meal of
social conditioning that prevents analysis of the machine of the mind,
and from that, liberation from its boundaries. As most religion,
politics, and government entirely encourages the individual to
externalize behavioral decision-making, using symbols or other people as
reference points, most individuals are unable to make decisions
including those required for introspection.
Because no one can make decisions, they fumble and then blame others,
consequently dedicating their lives to pet causes and resentments. But
does anyone actually do what they want to do?
Luckily, if you serve a corporate society, all you need to do is get up
and go to work. Hit the drive thru, corporate health care, shooting
range and adult news-stand, because Amerika is prosperity.
America grosses out even Americans. Democracy means that while it's
under our control, it's never under our control, since the "other"
(whoever they are) somehow won half the votes and so there's no real
plan only a series of compromises. So what do we do? We apologize. And
then try to purchase your time for goods and services.
America") has destroyed everything it has touched, and turned it into a
stuffed toy, a product jingle, a late-night "risky" show.
We embrace the cultures of the world, for they probably have something
great we can put in a California wrap, or some excellent "primitive
sounding" music we can put on to show how open-minded we are.
Yes, America is disgusting, on three levels:
I. Physical
The entire landscape is now strip malls, department stores, drive thrus,
liquor racks, convenience stores, outlet malls and concrete, plastic,
metal, concrete, concrete, concrete.
We get sicker every year as our industry - mostly United States industry
and unregulated collaborators in Mexico and Texas - pours literally
millions of tons of waste into our environment. It's not the easy stuff
we used to make, from burning coal and wood. Now it's invisible and
creates mutations, and from those, cancers. But we'll die with the
latest in home electronics, plastic housewares and entertainment titles.
II. Social
Our collective mentality is guilt, so our behavior pattern follows thus:
A. Expect guilt, so have shame, thus attempt to compromise or pacify in
every situation.
B. Consequently, situation gets out of control and the individual ends
up serving compromise motives.
C. The individual resents that his or her own desire was not acted out,
becomes resentful, and thus acts out in one of two ways:
1. passive: subtle sabotage, petty quarrelling, dilatory behavior,
disorganization, refusal to make decisions, resentment, smouldering hatred.
2. active: insane behavior, destruction, hatred, violence, sodomy,
active hatred.
D. Society spanks back with its multitude of people with no better
purpose to serve than feeding their own egos the gratification of making
someone else conform to the "group consensus ideal." Often these
enforcers are the most beaten themselves and act from inner spite (see C2).
E. The individual becomes penitent, and even more guilty. Back to A, but
let's call it A1 because this is a new generation of A, in which the
stakes of guilt are much higher.
F. At some point, AN becomes unstable and a mental breakdown occurs; a
new personality modification allows the individual to avoid similar
humiliation by avoiding any conflict related to the punishment (D).
This is the cycle found in: crime, welfare, drug addiction, obsessive
sex consumption, Christianity, Judaism, Islam and other guilt-based
religions. Religion also contains "morality" which society agrees is a
good foundation. This religious foundation to society tells us that
there is a group consensus ideal behavior to which we must conform, or
feel guilty. If we feel guilty, we can submit to the group and be
forgiven, and therefore accept less power in exchange for fewer
instances of conflict.
In other words, "OBEY."
III. Individual
The cowering individual, a conflicted festering soup of guilts,
conflicts, emotions, desires, and ideals smothered under a thick meal of
social conditioning that prevents analysis of the machine of the mind,
and from that, liberation from its boundaries. As most religion,
politics, and government entirely encourages the individual to
externalize behavioral decision-making, using symbols or other people as
reference points, most individuals are unable to make decisions
including those required for introspection.
Because no one can make decisions, they fumble and then blame others,
consequently dedicating their lives to pet causes and resentments. But
does anyone actually do what they want to do?
Luckily, if you serve a corporate society, all you need to do is get up
and go to work. Hit the drive thru, corporate health care, shooting
range and adult news-stand, because Amerika is prosperity.
America grosses out even Americans. Democracy means that while it's
under our control, it's never under our control, since the "other"
(whoever they are) somehow won half the votes and so there's no real
plan only a series of compromises. So what do we do? We apologize. And
then try to purchase your time for goods and services.