Nomen Nescio
Rene Bilodeau
3848 Warren Ave.
Royston, British Columbia
V0R 2V0
(e-mail address removed)
(e-mail address removed)
Forums: http://customdesign.homelinux.net/phpBB2/
Access to this web server is by invitation only.
Your IP address is not permitted access.
Please go and find some other place to play. Try this Windows toy,
which will keep a Windows user1 amused for hours.
1. a "Windows user" is one who continually gets a 403 error but keeps
returning here, hoping for a different result. IE. a total and complete idiot.
3848 Warren Ave.
Royston, British Columbia
V0R 2V0

(e-mail address removed)
(e-mail address removed)
Forums: http://customdesign.homelinux.net/phpBB2/
Access to this web server is by invitation only.
Your IP address is not permitted access.
Please go and find some other place to play. Try this Windows toy,
which will keep a Windows user1 amused for hours.
1. a "Windows user" is one who continually gets a 403 error but keeps
returning here, hoping for a different result. IE. a total and complete idiot.