Webbster, Daniel
I'm going to buy a new HD and re-install XP, but if anyone is interested.
Preface: I know the link where I picked this up but I'm not posting it here.
I was searching on google for song lyrics in firefox.
something looked interesting and I clicked on the cached link.
firefox closed very quickly.
since it was early in the morning I followed the same procedure. stupid man.
what I caught did something to the wallpaper, I think it turned my desktop
into a black background active page.
The IE browser usage drives the processor to 100 percent immediately. Other
steps will drive up the processor as well.
The wallpaper screensaver functions are muzzled, can't do anything really.
There was white text above the sys tray on the screen, not boxed, about
"windows security central" warning me, and then an icon in the tray begging
me to click it for virus removal.
When I reboot my own screensaver wallpaper shows for a moment.
I installed norton antivirus from CD (a new purchase yesterday) but the web
browser firefox is not allowed on a few on the online scan sites I went to.
Ummm, I was interested in this prior thread in this group:
If anyone wants the link to the virus or trojan let me know how to send it to
Preface: I know the link where I picked this up but I'm not posting it here.
I was searching on google for song lyrics in firefox.
something looked interesting and I clicked on the cached link.
firefox closed very quickly.
since it was early in the morning I followed the same procedure. stupid man.
what I caught did something to the wallpaper, I think it turned my desktop
into a black background active page.
The IE browser usage drives the processor to 100 percent immediately. Other
steps will drive up the processor as well.
The wallpaper screensaver functions are muzzled, can't do anything really.
There was white text above the sys tray on the screen, not boxed, about
"windows security central" warning me, and then an icon in the tray begging
me to click it for virus removal.
When I reboot my own screensaver wallpaper shows for a moment.
I installed norton antivirus from CD (a new purchase yesterday) but the web
browser firefox is not allowed on a few on the online scan sites I went to.
Ummm, I was interested in this prior thread in this group:
If anyone wants the link to the virus or trojan let me know how to send it to