I won!!!


Chatter Box
Oct 6, 2005
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Maybe John's boy is right, maybe i am accident prone, but this last one is a real doosie :lol:
I'm epileptic & on saturday night I had a major confrontation with a door.
One of those oldfashioned, solid, wood panel doors
& boy did I leave it in pieces!!!
Was in A&E at the hospital until 3am (from 8:30 pm - It was a saturday night after all)
to make sure i hadn't fractured my neck in the process... all is fine, just gotta wear an annoying brace for a while. But you should see me... The left side of my face looks like someone smacked me over good! But really, what you should see is the door!!! :lol:
I smashed the lower half of it in good :nod:
I'll post some piccys later if I can,
Got a bit of a concussion at the moment.

"I fought the door & ...I won" :D


John weren't so keen on going grocery shopping with me on sunday though...
Reckons he's going to get a rep as a "wife beater" Now
One of the downsides of loving someone with uncontrolled Epilepsy :(
&, of course, we ran into the biggest gossip while we were doing it :rolleyes:

Murphys law aye :nod:

sheesh, what are you like ....

You, dear, need to have a crash helmet permanently on your head.


* knee & elbow pads would come in handy too *
I'm glad your ok Ciri! :D

You should make up some wild story and tell the neighbours about it :lol:
lol, yeah. Since no one is going to believe that i walked into a door... :rolleyes:
Ciri, I'm really glad to hear that you're gonna be ok. I bet the door isn't feeling too spiffy!
cirianz said:
Maybe John's boy is right, maybe i am accident prone

Madam, from what I've read of you so far, you're a one woman disaster area :)

Remind me, if you visit, to strap everything down and break out with the plastic glasses :D

ex-sister-in-law of mine actually once managed to take out a quarter pane glass panel from the door in my kitchen with her knee in the middle of the night whilst visiting the karzi.

The blood, the blood..... :eek:
:lol: A "one woman disaster area" :lol: You been reading up on my history flops :lol: If you factor in my epilepsy I've got enough funny stories to keep a dozen grandkids in nightmares for most of their childhoods :nod:

The most astounding thing of all in this is that John managed to fix the door!!! :eek:

I'll have to put up some piccys of it now cos I still can't believe he managed to fix that. Talk about real life jigsaw puzzles. & he did it on his own too. Cos I was all woozy & had to go to bed. Bloody marvel :nod:

Don't worry feckit, I reckon most of the locals already reckon I've been abducted by something & her down the hill, I reckon she thinks I am an alien (apparently "There's just no telling me" :nod: )


My mates are used to hearing all sorts of stories to explain various injuries, they've all known about my epilepsy for years. But this gossip lady in the shop was a friend of John's & didn't know so we just gave her the boring - true explanation. Did she believe it? Who knows :lol: Oh well

The main thing I'm worried about is... John's youngest boy (well, he's 22yo so not really a boy :rolleyes: ). He was here at the time & he's never seen me have a siezure before. John sent him to phone the ambulance & it usually helps people cope if they've got something they can do.
John's daughter is the only other member of his family who's seen me have a seizure before & it freaked her out & that was just a straight out seizure. This was a particularly messy one. Lot's of blood & the like (they had to glue my top lip together as it had sliced most of the way through from the outside in so it now looks like I've got a large quantity of snot sitting below my left nostril now & my top lip is purple... looks like 5 o'clock shadow time :lol: ) as well as the broken door. So I hope he's ok.
John said he (his boy) got p*ssd off at the ambulance guys who kept asking him questions that he couldn't answer even after he'd told them that. He said he was going down to his pool hall to play for a while after the ambulance took me off (John followed in his car) But he did contact John's daughter so hopefully she was able to reassure him. They both asked to be let know when we knew it was going to be alright.

It can be pretty scary the first time someone sees me have a seizure & if I injure myself that time it leaves people feeling freaked & helpless. Most people are a bit awkward but settle quickly afterwards, but some people I've known have not been able to cope with me after having seen me have a seizure. He's a tough kid, & a smart one, so hopefully he'll be fine. Fingers crossed :)
Somehow I don't reckon he'll be wanting to take me 4x4 wheel driving in a hurry though :rolleyes:

Ah well, nothing I can do about that one for now. Just-a-wait-&-see :)
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He will probably be ok in a bit. ;)

Watching someone have a seizure is really scary and not something I think I will ever be accustomed to.