Heres some code that will show how its done. This extracts values from one
table and implants them into another
Public Function ReadRecsfromXL2()
On Error GoTo EH
Dim db As Database
Dim rstXL As Recordset
Dim rstACC As Recordset
Dim strClientID As String
Dim strClientName As String
Dim strCO As String
Dim strPolicy As String
Dim strCov As String
Dim strTransaction As String
'Set up your recordsets
Set db = CurrentDb()
'Change the name 'XLTableName' to whatever your Linbked XL table called
Set rstXL = db.OpenRecordset("P9Current", dbOpenSnapshot)
'Create a Table called 'tblXLImport' (See below for field names)
Set rstACC = db.OpenRecordset("tblXLImport", dbOpenDynaset)
'If there's nothing in the XL spreaddie, don't bother trying to load it
If rstXL.EOF Then Exit Function
'make sure you move to the start of recordsets, probably not necessary
but good practice
'Monitor for the end of the XL table as you loop thru its records
Do While Not rstXL.EOF
With rstACC
'replace with .AddNew with .Edit for when you are modifying
existing records
![ClientName] = rstXL![Client Name]
![ClientID] = rstXL![Client ID]
![co] = rstXL![co]
![Policy] = rstXL![Policy]
![Cov] = rstXL![Cov]
![Transaction] = rstXL![Transaction]
![RptDate] = rstXL![RPT Date]
![FaceAmount] = rstXL![Face Amount]
End With
If Not rstXL.EOF Then
End If
'Close the recordsets
End Function
'End Code