PinGame Journal
I've been reading posts here and there and one told "me" to go here to see my
TIF ...
C:\Users\Jim\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files
but, if I "back up", I can't go "forward" again
If I got to say ... C:\Users\Jim ... there is NO AppData to pick from, at
least that I can see ... if I add AppData there's a Microsoft, then Windows,
but no Temp Int. Files ... all I have is 1033, Burn, Explorer, GameExplorer,
WER and WindowsUpdate
I have all the permissions and allow stuff set I can see ... is there a
setting where I can see EVERYTHING?
TIF ...
C:\Users\Jim\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files
but, if I "back up", I can't go "forward" again
If I got to say ... C:\Users\Jim ... there is NO AppData to pick from, at
least that I can see ... if I add AppData there's a Microsoft, then Windows,
but no Temp Int. Files ... all I have is 1033, Burn, Explorer, GameExplorer,
WER and WindowsUpdate
I have all the permissions and allow stuff set I can see ... is there a
setting where I can see EVERYTHING?