I want to merge two columns



Hi, My problem is that I have two colums of data in a worksheet, the first is
a prefix to the part number
i.e. AB
The second is a part number
i.e. 123456789

My list is 8800 numbers long and I want a quick way to merge these comuns
together but keep the rows.

Thankyou in advance,

P.S. don't know if it's important but running XP Pro SP2 and Office 2003

Anne Troy

Hi, Andrew. Here ya go:
--click the column letter to the RIGHT of your 2 columns and hit
--select the new blank column and make sure it's formatted as General
--in the new blank column, probably the 2nd row if you have headings, type
Copy down using the fill handle:
Then, with all the cells STILL selected, hit Copy. Hit Edit-->Paste Special,
choose Values, OK.
Then delete your original columns.
Anne Troy


Thankyou Anne for your help, problem solved

Anne Troy said:
Hi, Andrew. Here ya go:
--click the column letter to the RIGHT of your 2 columns and hit
--select the new blank column and make sure it's formatted as General
--in the new blank column, probably the 2nd row if you have headings, type
Copy down using the fill handle:
Then, with all the cells STILL selected, hit Copy. Hit Edit-->Paste Special,
choose Values, OK.
Then delete your original columns.
Anne Troy

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