Windows XP I want to get rid of dual boot up option

Jun 7, 2005
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I have windows ME on one of my computers and began to install XP on it and realised that some of my hardware for that system was not compatible with XP so I aborted the installation.
the problelm now is when I boot up the computer I get the dual boot up option screen and I have to choose the OS i want the comp to boot to, even though XP is not installed.
How do I disable or remove this function so the computer boots up to ME like it use to.
Thanks guys

You aborted the install? Well lol how far into it? Well never mind that doesn't matter.

What you need to do is get rid of the XP partial install...DELETE lol. I would just get rid of the partition that you created for it.

But, the best advice I can give you is to look at the manual for the program that you are using for your dual boot, it should tell you what to do. You may have to change the boot.ini file and what not. Be careful! Do some heave Google searches before messing up your machine.

Good Luck,

I can't recall exactly how, but i have had to do this a number of times myself.

Go to Start Menu > Run.
Run "msconfig"
Select the "BOOT.INI" tab.
You should be able to change/remove the dual boot option from there (If i recall correctly), by just removing the XP installation.
After that, just click Apply, restart your machine and you should be sorted.

WARNING, you do run the risk of damaging the way your system operates when using msconfig if you change something you don't know anything about. So, if in doubt, either do some more research, or get someone qualified to sort it for you.