I want to do the following: Imput data that will go to specific tables. I
want to have a single page that telles the user where to enter the data. I
think i want the data to go to excel format from which some data will then go
to other spreadsheets.
I need to enter dates, times ID's numbers and monetarty values.
It is for importing containers that can go to various end destinations and i
also need to enter costings.
I want the user to have a single page to enter ALL information regarding
each single container, so i assume i will need a ADD new data button and i
will want the information to automatically go to tothe right place. EG: I
imagine a tick box for each destination so if the user ticks bo a the data
will automatically know that that conatiner goes to Destination a and all
relevant data goes to the spreadsheets accordingly!
Hope i have made some sense. Is access the right product for this and if so
where can i find a printable idiots guide to doing what i want to do
hope someone understands and can help
Many thanks
want to have a single page that telles the user where to enter the data. I
think i want the data to go to excel format from which some data will then go
to other spreadsheets.
I need to enter dates, times ID's numbers and monetarty values.
It is for importing containers that can go to various end destinations and i
also need to enter costings.
I want the user to have a single page to enter ALL information regarding
each single container, so i assume i will need a ADD new data button and i
will want the information to automatically go to tothe right place. EG: I
imagine a tick box for each destination so if the user ticks bo a the data
will automatically know that that conatiner goes to Destination a and all
relevant data goes to the spreadsheets accordingly!
Hope i have made some sense. Is access the right product for this and if so
where can i find a printable idiots guide to doing what i want to do
hope someone understands and can help
Many thanks