Hi, I have a worksheet that has a column of when I finished auditing a
file. I want to track on another worksheet how many files I finished
in a particular month. So, with the column below, I would want a
formula that would count how many files I finished in march 2009.
Ideas? I've experimented with countif and sumif and month(), but
nothing has really worked. Help! Thanks!
Finished auditing File
1 jan 2009
3 Mar 2009
16 mar 2009
1 april 2009
file. I want to track on another worksheet how many files I finished
in a particular month. So, with the column below, I would want a
formula that would count how many files I finished in march 2009.
Ideas? I've experimented with countif and sumif and month(), but
nothing has really worked. Help! Thanks!
Finished auditing File
1 jan 2009
3 Mar 2009
16 mar 2009
1 april 2009