I want to count months in a range?

  • Thread starter Thread starter 41roblynway
  • Start date Start date


Hi, I have a worksheet that has a column of when I finished auditing a
file. I want to track on another worksheet how many files I finished
in a particular month. So, with the column below, I would want a
formula that would count how many files I finished in march 2009.
Ideas? I've experimented with countif and sumif and month(), but
nothing has really worked. Help! Thanks!

Finished auditing File
1 jan 2009
3 Mar 2009
16 mar 2009
1 april 2009
Put 1 to 12 in cells A1:A12 on your second worksheet (to represent
months), and then in B1 of that sheet you can use this formula:

=SUMPRODUCT(--(MONTH('Audit sheet name'!F$1:F$100)=A1)

where I have assumed column F is where your finished date is, and that
you have 100 rows of data - adjust to suit, then copy down to B12.

Hope this helps.

This will do it:
provided you have real dates (not text) in that column

Place this somewhere on the worksheet with the data
Now Cut and Paste to the second worksheet; the references will update for

Or make the formula in the second worksheet but rather than type A1:a14 (or
whatever) use the point method - click on the worksheet with the data and
use the mouse to select the range

best wishes
will count the number of dates in March of 2009.

If you wanted just the number of dates in March of any year, I'd use:

Without the =isnumber() portion, you'll find that empty cells are counted as

Adjust the ranges to match--but you can't use whole columns (except in xl2007).

=sumproduct() likes to work with numbers. The -- stuff changes trues and falses
to 1's and 0's.

Bob Phillips explains =sumproduct() in much more detail here:

And J.E. McGimpsey has some notes at:

You may want to add another column with formulas like:
and then sort your data and use Data|Subtotals

Or even spend a little time learning about pivottables. You can get some very
impressive summary reports and even group dates by month (or month and year).