I want to copy my site in html to my laptop to use as a demo

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I want to copy my site from the server to my laptop so I can demonstrate it
without being connected to the internet
Open Internet explorer in your laptop then click at edit with Microsoft
frontpage. Then save the entire site in your hard drive.
In case you do not have Frontpage installed in your laptop perform edit
operation in a server where frontpage is installed and save it at
Create similar directory structure at your laptop and copy the contents there.
Open the site in FP, does NOT save the site to one's hard drive, the site must be publish via FP. If
the live/remote site doesn't have the FP extensions, then you will need to use a FTP application to
copy the site to your local HD, however you will loose themes, shared borders and FP navigation
structure, these will have to re-built, etc.

Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
If you feel your current issue is a results of installing
a Service Pack or security update, please contact
Microsoft Product Support Services:
If the problem can be shown to have been caused by a
security update, then there is usually no charge for the call.
You need to have FrontPage installed on your laptop. You need to be able
to connect your laptop to the internet. Then you can publish the server
site to the laptop in the folder that contains your FrontPage webs. You
might want to create a default website on the laptop first in the FP
Webs folder and then select that as the destination from the server.
[Reason: Not sure if FP prompts to make a new directory on a website
ps. Had same idea, just not the laptop -:)