Only this string ?
You didn't give enough info for us to help you effectively!
Is "Cost: " always a part of string? When yes, then you can remove it using
SUBSTITUTE function. P.e. with your strin in A2:
=SUBSTITUTE(A2,"Cost: ","")
returns 120000 D
Now about tail part. When this is too always same, then you can use
SUBSTITUTE again, with result of first formula as source:
=SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(A2,"Cost: ","")," D","")
When it is always a single character preceeded with space, then
=LEFT(SUBSTITUTE(A2,"Cost: ",""),LEN(SUBSTITUTE(A2,"Cost: ",""))-2)
When it can contain any number of characters, then probably you use MID
function to retrieve numeric part from result of substitute, determing the
lenght of it using FIND function and searching for space. And maybe you need
to check for absence of cpace (and characters) in string too.