The following code produced a .tif file that seems to be of very good
quality when imported as an object into Word, PowerPoint and Excel, or
when opened into Microsoft Paint. The only program where the quality
was questionnable was when I opened it in the Microsoft accessory,
Imaging. Give it a try and let me know what you think.
Sub ChartAsTIF()
If TypeName(Selection) = "ChartArea" Then
userFname = InputBox("Filename of Chart File?", "Save Chart",
userNameAndPath = ThisWorkbook.Path & "\" & userFname & ".tif"
ActiveChart.Export Filename:=userNameAndPath, filtername:="TIF"
MsgBox "Chart is saved as" & Chr(13) & userNameAndPath
userReply = MsgBox("Please select a Chart Area, then run macro
again", vbOKOnly, "Error in Selection")
End If
End Sub
(Be careful when copying this code. Google's message area tends to
wrap lines of code at inappropriate places.)
Click on the chart, then run the macro.