Bob Quintal
This is an Access group, so my reply will talk only of that.I have a field with a date 7/11/2007, and a field with time
00:15:18. I want to combine them into 1 field, 7/11/2007 0:15.
How do I do this in Access or Excel?
Access stores date/time fields as a double precision number, days
since December 31, 1899 dot time as a percentage of a day, e.g. noon
is .5, 9:00 pm is .75
So if the two fields are date/time fields, you can just add them.
However, depending on how the data was entered, the date may already
be in the time field, just hidden and/or the time may be in the date
To check, examine each field with format([field name], "General
If the fields are not date/time type, but text, you will need to
parse out the relevant portions of each string with the mid()
function and reassemble them using the dateserial()and timeserial()