I want one! Portable Fridge

Thats a bargain at that price! They aren't up to much, but are quite able to keep cans cold :)

Good for the car to keep stuff cold! I had one in my first university halls as we didn't have a fridge, ideal for that!
Wow, good bargain! I had a mini-fridge in my first year at uni, it was really useful because food would mysteriously walk if left in the communal kitchen...

Let us know if you get one, and how you get on with it :D
id say its a good price only a score for a fridge!

but i woulndt get one
only get a few days in the year when i would need that beauty!

come the winter months, it'd probably get in my way so id stick it in the garden or the garage and be4 long it would be all rusty and crappy!
Hey i got one of those bought it from Aria last year in February i think, its been whirring away in my bedroom and hasn't given me a problem at all..

It keeps milk and dairy products really cold and is brilliant for me buds and bottles of coke...And that one was on special aswell at £20 and free delivery..

It works on the Peltier effect meaning one side of the peltier gets warm and the other side gets very cold which in turn cools the fridge....It does say on the instructions to turn off every 5 days, but after asking Aria if this needed to be done they said they had these all over there Offices keeping milk and cold drinks cold and had never turned theres off and hadn't suffered any problems...

So i bought one on the strength of this recommendation and can honestly say i have had no problems at all and its been running for 16 months now 24/7 what a bloody Bargain....:D

Oh and Flopp's mines in Ice cool Blue....;)