I'm agnostic - I say use the right tool for the right job.
I have a Macbook Pro 15" and Macbook 13" - I use them when I travel.
BUT, I have a very powerful Desktop where I do some fairly CPU and
graphics intensive work and I just installed Vista Ultimate 64. Thank
you MS Action Pack!
I haven't had problems crashing the system is stable - but it is a bit
slower than XP 64. Then again, XP was slower than 2000 that's how it
I don't think Vista is awesome beyond belief. Move Maker still needs
some improvement. When I save a file as Widescreen and upload it to
youtube - it has the letterboxing. I'll figure that one out.
I have a Macbook Pro 15" and Macbook 13" - I use them when I travel.
BUT, I have a very powerful Desktop where I do some fairly CPU and
graphics intensive work and I just installed Vista Ultimate 64. Thank
you MS Action Pack!
I haven't had problems crashing the system is stable - but it is a bit
slower than XP 64. Then again, XP was slower than 2000 that's how it
I don't think Vista is awesome beyond belief. Move Maker still needs
some improvement. When I save a file as Widescreen and upload it to
youtube - it has the letterboxing. I'll figure that one out.