I-Tunes problem


sugar 'n spikes
Mar 5, 2002
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My daughter has an I-Phone 3GS that is synced to I-Tunes installed on my AMD/Bedroom computer. There are about 40 to 50 playlists in I-Tunes most of which are albums.

It had been working fine then she updated I-Phone software. Now only about 10 of the albums in I-Tunes work on her phone. All the rest refuse to play. When the I-Phone is plugged in to the computer I-Tunes starts and it goes through the sync sequence. All the music in I-Tunes plays fine on the computer but only about a quarter of it on my daughter's phone.

Anybody have any ideas?

(I'm not holding my breath on this one but it must be worth a try ;) )
I'm having a similar problem, some music won't sync to the iPhone 3gs after IOS 5 update. I used to use Winamp with an iPhone plugin, but can't seem to find the plugin to start using it again.:(
Maybe do a full restore from iTunes Flopp's that normally sorts out lots of problems, although IOS 5 has not been kind to people with older hardware!

Could also be a bitrate thing if music has been ripped at different bitrates, then that could upset the iPod software after the newer IOS update, I know I had to delete music I had loaded on that was ripped to 128kbps and noticed nearly all my music was 198kbps and iTunes had somehow changed my settings to convert into 128kbps, I reloaded using the 198kbps setting and everything was back to normal!
Thanks crazylegs but, uh, what do you mean by 'a full restore' exactly? Do you mean wipe the I-Tunes library, sync phone, then load everything into I-Tunes again? That would take forever, I am reminded of why I hate I-Tunes. I've already synced the phone twice, connecting and disconnecting, made no difference.

I'll look into the bit rate thingie and try changing one playlist to see if it makes a difference.

I-Pods and I-Phones may be desirable but the software is about as useful as an ashtray on a motorbike.

Note: Most of these will not work with iPod touch or iPhone, and you would have to stick with iTunes for that

Apple's latest software/firmware updates have also made it so that you can't use Media Monkey with any of their products that play music. Really nice people, those Apple lot.
Ok one last thought.

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif] libimobiledevice - Teaching Penguins to talk to fruits[/FONT]


libimobiledevice description

iPhone/iPod Linux Library

libimobiledevice is a software library that talks the protocols to support iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad devices on Linux. Unlike other projects, it does not depend on using any existing proprietary libraries and does not require jailbreaking.

libimobiledevice allows other software to easily access the device's filesystem, retrieve information about the device and it's internals, backup/restore the device, manage SpringBoard icons, manage installed applications, retrieve addressbook/calendars/notes and bookmarks and synchronize music and video to the device. The library is in development since August 2007 with the goal to bring support for these devices to the Linux Desktop.


· ifuse
· libplist
· usbmuxd

What's New in This Release: [ read full changelog ]

· libimobiledevice works with iOS 5 Beta 1. A small fix was required to make it work which was pushed to master and will be available in the next release. Further testing to come.

Put a GNU/Linux on a usb stick and the above and use that to do all "iP" stuff. :dance:
I-Pods and I-Phones may be desirable but the software is about as useful as an ashtray on a motorbike.

My sentiments exactly!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Sorry to hear about your troubles though, hope you manage to fix it. If the suggested solutions don't work you could try making an appointment with a 'Genius' at an Apple store (their term, NOT mine).
I have not had any issues like you speak of on my iP4 or 4S. Neither has the missus with her iPod Touch 4th Gen. In fact , i quite like iTunes, playing all my music from my lirary and using my phone as a remote control over my WiFi network is fantastic! :cool:

Is it the playlists or the actually albums that dont play? Can you play the albums from the phone onto hte PC? (not playing from the pc, but playing the media off the phone itself?

If all else fails try the following..........

Are you running 5.0.1 (latest iOS5 version)? if not try upgrade to that before doing the below.

I'd start by deleting the music on the iphone and re syncing it all to the phone from iTunes.

Failing that, try a full restore via iTunes. (Start iTunes, connect phone and hit the restore button on the main page of the phones Summery.....


Personally i wouldn't restore from the backup as you will just be copying over the old problem. That means you need to copy the pictures and other media that you dont want to loose.

Shout if you want any more info, i'll try and help. :)
although IOS 5 has not been kind to people with older hardware!
Bit of a sweeping statement that, its been fine for most, restoring from a backup is more likely to be the root cause of issues, especially on older hardware as there will be so many bugs, glitches etc copied from each upgrade, its not a bad idea to do a fresh install on any new major new iOS/OS in general refresh. Would you do an upgrade from Vista to Win 7 or a fresh install? ;)

Could also be a bitrate thing if music has been ripped at different bitrates, then that could upset the iPod software after the newer IOS update, I know I had to delete music I had loaded on that was ripped to 128kbps and noticed nearly all my music was 198kbps and iTunes had somehow changed my settings to convert into 128kbps, I reloaded using the 198kbps setting and everything was back to normal!
Second tick box from the bottom maybe?


Also, make sure these two boxes are unticked... (File > Edit > Options > Advanced)

Abarb, it doesn't matter how many Linux software applications you recommend, the problerm is on the phone itself and NOT on the computer so I'm guessing using any of the programmes you've linked to wouldn't make much odds.

Becks: Thanks for the good wishes :)

V_R, thanks for your offer of help, it's apreciated :)

Others have suggested the 'delete from i-Phone then load deleted albums manually from i_Tunes' so I will try that. I also hadn't noticed that restore button, will try that first of all.

When you say 'albums or playlists'; I'm not sure, to load music into I-Tunes I usually first create a playlist, rip the CD tracks into the music library (with varying degrees of success, I might add) then drag and drop the album files into the playlist. So - album or playlist? I dunno, both really.

V_R said:
Would you do an upgrade from Vista to Win 7 or a fresh install?

I don't think that argument holds water really. The likes of you and I would know that but your average i-Phone user won't have Admin knowledge and will just see the option from Apple inviting them to upgrade their software and they will simply hit the button allowing the upgrade.

Those with a bit more savvy might do a Google for reported problems with new software before taking the plunge but most will not.

My daughter's i-Phone was playing all the music stored on it before the upgrade so the problem is clearly with iOS5.

I-Tunes itself suffered a problem not too long ago, where it 'lost' about twelve albums/playlists and I had to load them all again, but that is perhaps not relevant.

I'm going to try what you suggested but first I need to get the phone off of my daughter, she likes the thing so much I think it's surgically implanted :D

As for I-Tunes, as I've mentioned before, I started using it in April '06 and have hated it with a passion ever since. I keep thinking successive versions will improve but they never do. The two major moans are that it is so much hard work and really quite flakey and the fact you can't interchange files between I-Tunes and the phone/iPod/iPad itself.

It is without doubt the most frustrating piece of software I have ever used.

Well, except maybe for MS Access ;)
Oh what about doing a hard reset? (Hold the home button and power button until the phone turns off) I doubt it will work, but its the easy option to try first. :)