Henk de Jong
The whole discussion on the rtdos' webring, faq and the
definition of 'freeware' is more and more growing to a 'yes-or-
no-game', which can go on for ever.....
I think that stopping that discussion is the best thing to do.
But there are a few things I have learned in the past days in
this group:
- the majority in this group is about 5 or 6 members. All the
others can be left out, because they are not the 'majority', and
have nothing to say in here;
- freeware is everything you can get for free, and shareware
doesn't excist from now on, because it has become freeware
(because shareware is in most cases nagware or time-limited
software, and according the new proposed faq, these kinds of
software is freeware). Also demoware, adware and CD-ware have
become freeware.
- besides a small group of people who reflect the views of some
members, others are not welcome in this group. Questions that
those people ask are responded by other questions, and not by
- between the lines I noticed that some people like the *old*
bunch of regulars to leave. Please correct me if I'm wrong.
I'll go back to <lurkmode>.
With kind regards,
definition of 'freeware' is more and more growing to a 'yes-or-
no-game', which can go on for ever.....
I think that stopping that discussion is the best thing to do.
But there are a few things I have learned in the past days in
this group:
- the majority in this group is about 5 or 6 members. All the
others can be left out, because they are not the 'majority', and
have nothing to say in here;
- freeware is everything you can get for free, and shareware
doesn't excist from now on, because it has become freeware
(because shareware is in most cases nagware or time-limited
software, and according the new proposed faq, these kinds of
software is freeware). Also demoware, adware and CD-ware have
become freeware.
- besides a small group of people who reflect the views of some
members, others are not welcome in this group. Questions that
those people ask are responded by other questions, and not by
- between the lines I noticed that some people like the *old*
bunch of regulars to leave. Please correct me if I'm wrong.
I'll go back to <lurkmode>.
With kind regards,