I have encountered what I think may be a WORM. It
appears in various locations in the FONT selection menu.
It is disguised as a font, and appears as: @MS Gothic,
@MS PGothic, @MS UIGothic - OR - as MS@ Gothic, MS@
PGothic, MS@ UIGothic. it is always grouped in either
the first 3 or the last 3. It will appear at the top of
the font list - just before the fonts beginning with "A",
when it appears with the "@" first; or it will show up in
the fonts beginning with "M", when it is grouped with
format of MS@ at the beginning.
If you even scroll OVER any of them, it will open a
window saying that Windows has encountered a problem and
needs to shutdown, and you will lose any unsaved info.
It does not allow you to SAVE anything - ZAP! it closes
your program down!
I have never been able to contact Microsoft to ask
them about this - they make it impossible to contact
them - I just spent 2 hours trying to find a way to
contact them!
Has anyone else gotten this bug/worm? It seems to
appear ONLY in "Create a Card Program" (Platinum 6
version)and it drives me NUTZZZZZ!
Does anyon have any suggestions 1) how to get rid of
this and 2) how to contact Microsoft to ask/alert them?
Thanks a BUNCH - Susan in Texas
appears in various locations in the FONT selection menu.
It is disguised as a font, and appears as: @MS Gothic,
@MS PGothic, @MS UIGothic - OR - as MS@ Gothic, MS@
PGothic, MS@ UIGothic. it is always grouped in either
the first 3 or the last 3. It will appear at the top of
the font list - just before the fonts beginning with "A",
when it appears with the "@" first; or it will show up in
the fonts beginning with "M", when it is grouped with
format of MS@ at the beginning.
If you even scroll OVER any of them, it will open a
window saying that Windows has encountered a problem and
needs to shutdown, and you will lose any unsaved info.
It does not allow you to SAVE anything - ZAP! it closes
your program down!
I have never been able to contact Microsoft to ask
them about this - they make it impossible to contact
them - I just spent 2 hours trying to find a way to
contact them!
Has anyone else gotten this bug/worm? It seems to
appear ONLY in "Create a Card Program" (Platinum 6
version)and it drives me NUTZZZZZ!
Does anyon have any suggestions 1) how to get rid of
this and 2) how to contact Microsoft to ask/alert them?
Thanks a BUNCH - Susan in Texas