I tested the beta, Vista will never work, least not for many years

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I ran the beta, works great just don't add any programs or hardware, use it
for Internet surfing, and email only.
How does Microsoft promote an upgrade that does'nt support ALL the old XP
drivers and programs. They are going to piss a lot of people off, like never
before since upgrading Windows 3.1 to Windows 95, remember those days, it's
going happen all over again! Hope they have plenty of phone operators.
No new OS supports *all* of the old software and driver files and none ever
has, that's the nature of it. And this isn't just limited to Windows, the
same occurs with Mac's and Linux. Driver files are chiefly the
responsibility of the hardware manufacturer, not Microsoft. Following
software development guidelines is the responsibility of the program
writers, not the publisher of the guidelines. Some choose to jump in early
and provide interopterability, some choose to wait for the release before
providing updated files (if at all). Microsoft provides the platform and the
SDK's and DDk's, it's up to to everyone else to adapt to them.

Best of Luck,

Rick Rogers, aka "Nutcase" - Microsoft MVP

Windows help - www.rickrogers.org
Old issue!
It happened with 3.1.1 to Win 95
It happened with Win 95/98 to XP
It will happen with XP to Vista

Note: there were little to no issues from 95 to 98 because 98 was for the
most, 95 with IE4 integration. And win ME, well that was Win ME (Pretty much
98 with some bells and whistles)

First of all, you can install programs, as long as you have administrator
rights, and if you don't, you are probably the wrong person to be installing
the programs. I run apps and games non-stop on mine, no issues here.

You can install minor hardware without issues, if you want a new video card,
dound card, maybe a USB or Firewire extender card. Maybe a PVR card. All that
cool stuff. Just turn it off, put it in, install the drivers and rock on!

If you change your hard drive, processor, mother board, etc. Well, be smart
and do it all before you get Vista, or do it all at the same time, so you
don't have to buy a new liscense. Is that so difficult?

You are changing to a newer operating system. This isn't built on the same
basis as XP was. This is a totally new operating system. Some XP programs
will work, some will not. Don't blame Microsoft because your windows 95
version of Doom 2 doesn't work! Go out and get a newer version.
With any new operating system, there is a little of the "out with the old,
in with the new," computing changes that need to be addressed. But that is on
our level. Advancing the operating system is the goal. If the idea was to
keep everything like XP, they wouldn't have not even created the new
operating system.
It is still a beta, say it with me now.. BE-TA. This means that there are
some changes still set to come. Who knows, one of them may be an emulator
made to run the older programs. Who knows?
But hey, it is up to you, buy it, don't buy it.. That is your choice.

Think about it...
You may have tested the beta, but your not a beta tester, and obviously
aren't familiar with beta Operating Systems.
I busted my butt, to find out why Vista wouldn't load on my NF4, but I didn't
give up. Finally, I reflashed the bios, and Vista installed no problem. Then,
I proceeded to total an install on another pc, just to see if Vista liked
some software I had. I even loaded it on a a very old DURON system, and guess
what? even with only 512mbs of ram, and a900mhz cpu, Vista still ran
reasonably well. If you think BETA means works trouble free off the disc, you
aint got a clue as to what beta testing is all about. I'm saving my pennys
now, so I can buy Vista Home premium as soon as the launch comes. MAYE even
the business version. (2 cpus)
Where did you see that Vista Home would not support 2 CPUs just like XP home
and MCE 2005 do?
Check out the Vista features chart on MS website for multiple CPU support.

| XP Home does not support 2 physical CPU's, only dual core and
| hyperthreading.
| | > Where did you see that Vista Home would not support 2 CPUs just like XP
| > home and MCE 2005 do?
| >
| > | >>I busted my butt, to find out why Vista wouldn't load on my NF4, but I
| >>didn't
| >> give up. Finally, I reflashed the bios, and Vista installed no problem.
| >> Then,
| >> I proceeded to total an install on another pc, just to see if Vista liked
| >> some software I had. I even loaded it on a a very old DURON system, and
| >> guess
| >> what? even with only 512mbs of ram, and a900mhz cpu, Vista still ran
| >> reasonably well. If you think BETA means works trouble free off the disc,
| >> you
| >> aint got a clue as to what beta testing is all about. I'm saving my
| >> pennys
| >> now, so I can buy Vista Home premium as soon as the launch comes. MAYE
| >> even
| >> the business version. (2 cpus)
| >>
| >> "Dave B." wrote:
| >>
| >>> You may have tested the beta, but your not a beta tester, and obviously
| >>> aren't familiar with beta Operating Systems.
| >>>
| >>> | >>> >I ran the beta, works great just don't add any programs or hardware,
| >>> >use it
| >>> > for Internet surfing, and email only.
| >>> > How does Microsoft promote an upgrade that does'nt support ALL the old
| >>> > XP
| >>> > drivers and programs. They are going to piss a lot of people off, like
| >>> > never
| >>> > before since upgrading Windows 3.1 to Windows 95, remember those days,
| >>> > it's
| >>> > going happen all over again! Hope they have plenty of phone operators.
| >>>
| >>>
| >>>
| >
| >
My mistake since I always think of Dual Core and Hyperthreading as 2 CPUs
systems since that is what they appear as in device and task manager.