More ironic is that some of the art is quite good...but who'd wade through
the sensory blastation to look at it?
| It has 549,551 lines of code.
| However, ~ 549,000 of them are carriage returns.
| It shows up in IE, eventually.
| But, given the retina-burning colors, varying font faces, colors & sizes,
| and multiple left-scroll and right-scroll marquees, I would consider it a
| blessing that someone couldn't see it.
| This is, quite possibly, the ugliest, most grotesque site I have ever
| viewed. Certainly a candidate for
| Very ironic, since this is an art gallery site.
| I see he has over 49,000 visitors though (uh-huh), so he must be doing
| something right.
| Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm carsick.
| Bob Lehmann
| | > hard to believe that little page has over 49 THOUSAND lines of code in
| > it...somewhere you're missing a tag or something.
| >
| >
| > | > | Hello,
| > |
| > | I hope that someone can help me with this.
| > |
| > | I use frontpage to creat my web site.
| > |
| > | I only see the htlm codes when i open the home page, but if i got to a
| > | differnt page it is fine.
| > |
| > | here is the link:
| > |
| > | hope that u can help..thanks
| >
| >