Ted F
I now see across the sales websites, people buying somewhat older to newer
ATI All-In-Wonder (retail sealed packages) are returning there video cards.
Because either the software does not work well with there product or they
don't know where to go to get new, drivers, or somewhat fixed software.
Sometimes they have to spend more money to get a updated installation CD.
Example: I bought the Retail NEW "ATI All-In-Wonder 9600 AGP" with OLD
software, Installation CD dated : 2003. Date bought : November 2005.
If ATI wants to billed up there sales, they need to fix this ongoing problem
with there software (MMC) Software.
ATI All-In-Wonder (retail sealed packages) are returning there video cards.
Because either the software does not work well with there product or they
don't know where to go to get new, drivers, or somewhat fixed software.
Sometimes they have to spend more money to get a updated installation CD.
Example: I bought the Retail NEW "ATI All-In-Wonder 9600 AGP" with OLD
software, Installation CD dated : 2003. Date bought : November 2005.
If ATI wants to billed up there sales, they need to fix this ongoing problem
with there software (MMC) Software.