Windows XP I Really Need Help Now!

Jun 25, 2005
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OK, eariler today ilost the use of one of my computers, and i have had noluck with that, now i lost the use of my other computer and hav had to borrow my friends laptop

my new problem is:

when i turn on my computer it keeps restarting over and over again, it wont load XP and shows no error mesage.... what can i do? i really need help with this!!!!

i dunno how it got on both computers tho, cos i dont hav a network and ddint perform the same tasks on them befor ei got the virus.....i cant use safe mode and a boot disk didnt work!!! and i jsu ripped a part of the computer out by accident...ooooops, ive been at this all day.....if it is a virus wot can i do?
i could believe it if they were networked but if there not im starting to think its not virus related, does either of them even get to the XP loading screen ? it could be hardware failure of some sort but again on two machines at the same time :confused:
i kno! its confusing!

one goes to a screen that says starting windows for like half a seconds then restarts (this is where the user selection screen would usually be, but i dont hav mroe than 1 user on this machine)

the other says the login program neds to be terminated and then restarts the computer, this is just before the user selection screen.

perhaps i had time bomb viruses on the computers that set off at a set time